The collective landscape (2018-2022) started out as a collaboration with the University of Groningen (RUG) and the Noorderlicht Foundation. Each year they ask a photographer to depict a research area relating to the Noorderlicht festival-theme in the frame of the "imaging science" series. For the 2018 episode Hartmann documented the research of several professors from this university investigating landscape, nature, agriculture and ecosystems. Thanks to the generous support of the MIAP foundation in 2020, it was possible to continue with this concept and develop it further by collaborating with several institutes in the Netherlands like the University of Wageningen and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ).

Hartmann started documenting scientific fieldwork on natural ecosystems in the Netherlands since 2018. The project was inspired by the concept of “The Collective Landscape” defined by the British landscape architect Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe. This designer was fascinated by how garden and landscape design can interact with many other disciplines, and saw the landscape as humanity’s common art form. Within this project, this aspect is emphasised by placing additional lighting in collaboration with the scientists who were conducting field research at these locations.


metal sky


doom town